Plant Care

Plant care is an essential service for any landscape, whether it is a residential garden, a commercial property, or a public park.

Our plant care services include:

  • Expert selection of healthy nursery stock: We source our plants from reputable nurseries that provide high-quality and disease-free plants. We choose the plants that are suitable for the climate, soil, and design of the landscape. We also consider the maintenance requirements, growth habits, and aesthetic appeal of the plants.

  • Careful installation: We install the plants with care and precision, following the best practices and standards of the industry. We prepare the soil, dig the holes, place the plants, backfill, water, and mulch. We also stake, prune, and fertilize the plants as needed.

  • Feeding and watering program: We provide regular feeding and watering for the plants, using the appropriate methods and products. We monitor the soil moisture, pH, and nutrient levels, and adjust the frequency and amount of feeding and watering accordingly. We also use drip irrigation systems, rain barrels, and other water-saving techniques to conserve water and reduce costs.

  • Treating for insects and disease: We protect the plants from harmful insects and diseases, using organic and eco-friendly products whenever possible. We inspect the plants regularly, identify the signs and symptoms of pests and diseases, and apply the necessary treatments. We also use preventive measures, such as mulching, pruning, weeding, and sanitation, to reduce the risk of infestation and infection.

  • Pruning and trimming: We prune and trim the plants to maintain their shape, size, health, and appearance. We follow the proper techniques and timing for each type of plant, whether it is a tree, shrub, flower, or grass. We also remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches or foliage.

  • Seasonal care: We provide seasonal care for the plants, such as winterizing, spring cleaning, summer mulching, and fall leaf removal. We prepare the plants for the changing weather conditions, such as frost, snow, heat, drought, and wind. We also add seasonal color and interest to the landscape with annuals, bulbs, perennials, and containers.

    Contact us today for a free estimate and consultation.